SIX talented dancers are representing their Knutsford-based dance school this weekend as they take to the stage in the English Youth Ballet’s (EYB) performance of Swan Lake.
The young dancers – aged between nine and 16 – train at Fuschia School of Dance in King Street and have been chosen after a competitive video audition earlier this year.
Fleur Darlington (15), Erin Fairfield (10), William Hattrell (nine), Esme Lea (11), Sofia Rattray (10) and Charlotte Williams (16) are all performing alongside international professional dancers in EYB’s Swan Lake at the Stoke Regent Theatre from Friday, September 23 until Saturday, September 24.
Budding star-of-the-stage William is just nine years old, lives in Knutsford and goes to Bexton Primary School.
William Hattrell, credit: Ben Garner
He is performing the role of the Tsar’s nephew and he is also a Neapolitan dancer.
“I had my first dance lesson in March last year,” he said.
“I had never danced before in my entire life, but a dance teacher saw me in a pole class (that I had just tagged along to and didn’t particularly enjoy) and said that I had to try ballet.
“I wanted to join EYB to improve my technique and get a chance to perform in a big production.”
Charlotte, 16, also lives in Knutsford and goes to Loreto Grammar School for Girls.
Charlotte Williams, credit: Ben Garner
She is dancing the soloist role of a princess.
She said: “I started dance when I was about two years old and joined Fuchsia School of Dance in Knutsford and started with ballet.
“One of the best things about being a dancer is the feeling you get when you manage to achieve something that you have been working on – it proves that the work you put in will pay off and motivates you to keep going.
“I also enjoy being on stage as you can display everything you have been rehearsing to family and friends.
“I hope to gain more experience from being part of EYB through working with a professional company.
“It will also be exciting to perform with EYB and experience the backstage environment when working with professionals.
“I am hoping to improve as a dancer and gain more confidence on stage.”
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