A profits affiliate arranges guns on display at Burbank Ammo & Guns in Burbank, Calif., June 23.
Jae C. Hong/Affiliated Press
Concerning Jason Riley’s “Perception Diverges From Actuality on Mass School Shootings” (Upward Mobility, June 1): In the late 1960s, news protection pertaining to violent university student protests was frequent and intense. CBS News’
Walter Cronkite
generally noted how couple of learners have been associated in the protest compared with the total selection of pupils on campus.
Pursuing the crash of Air Florida Flight 90 into the Potomac River, ABC’s
Ted Koppel
reminded his audience that even though these crashes obtained a large amount of media protection, traveling was continue to the safest way to journey. News back then sought to advise the public and incorporate standpoint.
Tom Morgan
Oviedo, Fla.
Mr. Riley argues that compelled confiscation or voluntary disarmament wouldn’t be simple in a nation with as lots of firearms as the U.S. I concur, but this fails to deal with the a lot of remedies that most Us citizens would aid. The Uvalde shooter waited until eventually he was 18 to lawfully invest in a gun. Increasing the age to 21 could have prevented this tragedy. He also purchased an inordinate amount of ammunition. Obtaining a acquiring limit on ammunition, cross-checked among sellers, significantly like pharmacies do with the opiates, could enable.
There are numerous gun-command measures that could prevent, reduce or at the very least reduce the severity of these massacres. Why simply cannot we meet in the center on this?
Heidi Adams
Johnson Town, Tenn.
I consider there is very little that can be accomplished politically to prevent an additional rampage. The U.S. is awash in weapons beyond any rational need to have. And in a region with a populace of 330 million, even a modest percentage of disturbed men and women makes sure a large selection of folks who could misuse firearms in awful means.
I anxiety these tragedies will keep on irrespective of the outrage and regrets of Individuals.
D.E. Montagne
Penn Valley, Calif.
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Appeared in the June 25, 2022, print version.