Storm Brian hit the county over the weekend and particularly affected the Cornish coast on Saturday evening with high tide surges and strong winds.
It wasn’t quite the battering experienced earlier in the week across Cornwall when Storm Ophelia hit but nevertheless Brian still made his presence known.
Once area of the county that noticed it particularly was Perranporth where there was very high tides smashing over the wall on the edge of the beach and winds that whipped the beach’s sand into a frenzy.

(Image: Nathan Williams/ RNLI)
One beach goer Mark Hemsworth captured the stormy weather at the Cornish village and posted the footage on Twitter.
He wrote on Saturday night: “#hightide at #Perranporth this evening as #StormBrain blows in a super high spring tide.”
“#StormBrain hits #Perranporth in #cornwall and whips up a #sandstorm on the beach.”
Watch his footage here:
Thankfully for those in enjoying a week off for half term the weather is set to now be more settled for the next few days.

However, the Met Office’s long range forecast has predicted plenty of storms heading to the UK this side of Christmas and no doubt plenty of more wild, wintery weather will be lashing the county over coming weeks.
To find out more about the weather for this week click here.