Every week dozens of planning applications are submitted to Cornwall Council, from conversions and demolitions to new businesses and housing.
Most of them are small and about things like new dormer windows or trees that need felling.
But large-scale housing schemes and infrastructure projects also follow the same route.
Below are four planning applications submitted to the local authority in the past week which you might need to know about.
All of these applications are awaiting a decision.
52 affordable homes
This is an application for the variation of a condition relating to a development of 52 affordable homes of varying sizes/types including dwellings in an apartment block. The project also includes the creation of access roads, car parking areas and landscaped public open space.
It is for the land to the north of Drump Road in Redruth.
Planning permission was secured in September 2019.
Now Cornwall Council, which is behind the application, is hoping to overturn condition two given by the council’s planners.
It reads: “The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the plans listed below under the heading “Plans Referred to in Consideration of this Application”. Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.”
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The council wishes to make the following alterations: reduce in height several plots from three to two storeys, change bungalows to apartments, the addition of private gardens and a shed for bin collection.
Cornwall Council will consider application PA20/07938 by Tuesday, January 5.
Supported living units
This is a planning application for the erection of 12 one-bed purpose-built supported living units with communal hub and staff office and all associated site works including landscaping.
It is for the land formerly known as ‘Brigantine’ off Lower Market Street in Penryn.
The application was submitted by Brodie Planning Associates Ltd on behalf of Pivotal Developments Services Ltd.
It reads: “The applicant works in partnership with Cornwall NHS Foundation Trust (CFT) to develop bespoke housing with specialist high level support to help clients with mental health disabilities (some clients also have physical disabilities) to live within their local community with the mental health support they need on a day to day basis.
“The proposed development will offer modern purpose-built accommodation with support from dedicated staff. Working in partnership, the applicant and the CFT help people to rebuild their lives and become a valuable part of the community.
“The service will offer: intensive housing support; high quality and serviced supportive living accommodation; support staff from 7am-11pm daily for core support; concierge on site from 11pm-7am daily; individualised support planning and risk planning for all residents; liaison with care team related to individual residents; and the safety and security of buildings, staff, visitors and residents.
“All residents will be referred by CFT and will continue to be supported by the CFT while they live in the service. Resident referrals will come through hospitals, other supported living services, repatriated from out of county and other housing that has been deemed unsuitable for a particular resident’s needs.”
Planning application PA20/07772 will be determined by Tuesday, December 1.
Wine bar
This is a planning application for the proposed change of use from dwelling to wine bar.
It is for The Square, Cadgwith, Ruan Minor, Helston.
The application was submitted by Tregear Architectural Services on behalf of Mr M. Sillifant.
It reads: “The proposed property is centrally located within the fishing village of Cadgwith, and is tucked away surrounded by residential buildings in an area which is a post medieval shipyard, the designated areas its located within are; Conservation Area, Heritage Coast, AONB, AGSV, the rear of the property and its garden is within a tree preservation order area.
“The proposed facility will provide tapas-like food and beverages including alcohol. Overspill from the pub will be able to utilise the new venue which will also cater for those visitors wishing to experience an alternative to the pub together with a pleasant outside garden area. It will be advertised as ‘no parking’ both at or near the access and on any website information.”
The bar would create one full-time job and two part-time jobs.
Cornwall Council will consider application PA20/03061 by Monday, November 30.
Rugby club facilities
This is a planning application for the proposed rugby club pavilion, community hub and cycle hire facility, including car park and landscaping.
It is for Perranporth Rugby Club, Ponsmere Road, Perranporth.
The application was submitted by CAD Architects on behalf of Perranporth Rugby Club.
It reads: “The Rugby Club has seen an opportunity to create a new community building (or “hub”) which can not only provide much needed rugby facilities, but provide a new multi-use community use and cycle hire facility.
“The proposal has the potential to become a beacon and focal point for not only the rugby club, but for the community of Perranporth as a whole.”
Planning application PA20/08224 will be considered by Thursday, December 3.