Come all you travellers, artists and creative souls this midsummer to a week of music and workshops in the forest of the Czech Republic!
The Road Junky Festival of Creativity will be held in a magical place not far from the Austrian border and there are 100 places available to come and learn things as diverse as juggling, eating wild plants, illustration, playing the didgeridoo, massage, creative writing, singing, dance expression and anything else creative you can think of – for while we’ll be bringing in a core group of teachers and musicians, each person who comes to the festival can propose a workshop – in fact, you get a cheaper ticket if you do!
We provide the food, tea and coffee as we will eat in a circle at lunch and dinner, make up to 4 or 5 creative workshops a day, and jam around the fire at night, sing mantras, make storytelling, play games and fall in love in the moonlight.
If it sounds a bit like a rainbow gathering, you’re right – we want to take the best elements of living and sharing together but it will be a little better organised! There will be many more workshops and there won’t be any naked crazy people serving the food who last had a shower when it last rained…
Here’s how your typical day might look at the festival:
7am – Wake up in the morning, splash some water on your face and stroll through the forest to the meditation, yoga or chi kung workshop.
Grab a quick coffee by the fire and then:
9am – Go to a workshop on juggling and connect the hemispheres of your brain by throwing some balls in the air.
11am – Go to a workshop on creative writing and learn how to invent characters and scenarios.
1pm – First food circle! Grab your plate and go to sit in the circle with new friends and be served some vegetarian food.
2pm – Attend a discussion on hitchhiking tactics and stories.
4pm – Go to a workshop on voice percussion and learn how to beatbox.
6.30pm – Second food circle – did you find time to clean your plate after lunch?
8pm – Quick! It’s time to go and check out the sunset and chat to that cute hippie with dreadlocks you met earlier in the day in the juggling workshop!
9pm – The sound of drums calls you back to the fire and it’s time to dance and sing and celebrate and try to get to bed before dawn because someone’s making a walk through the forest the next morning to show which wild plants you can eat…
Reserve your tickets at: